Its almost 11 am when I reached banteay srei temple. Banteay srei ia 10th century Cambodian temple dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. Banteay Srei mean citadel of beauty the originaly name of this temple is Tribhuvanamahesvara.
There are interesting in this place, Buddhist monks that walk around do activity. With oranges cloth and baldy head. I was very impressed, average age was younger, how they give youth time to walk in spirituality side.
Its compulsion or or they do so voluntarily ?
I know to become a buddhis monks there are a lot of limitation. Talk about “limitation” I remember some wise words from swami samarpan the spirituality guru from ramakhrisna Vivekananda, that “with various restriction someone will be more appreciative with life”.
Ya, I think its true, because from the monks face that I meet there, I do not see the sadness. Maybe I have a lot to learn from them.
One funny incident occurred, when I met a group of monks student behind the temple. They smiled and whispered. I just thought maybe something funny in my face or they never see a women like me? .
I was surprised , when one of them asked, Picture miss?. Ahh..they want me to take their photo, so I grab my camera and start take a picture, than one says nooooooo, ah I just stare, what they want?
Then one monks show the pocket camera, ah I know they want me to take their pic, so I start click, than one monks with shame says, miss pic pic pic with you? Ahhh damn, they wanna take a pic with me ha ha ha ha ha, stupid me :)
They usually have been the object of tourist that visit this temple , but not today, so I stand beside of monks group and cheeerrssss, but one words that I can hear from the old monks for the young, don’t touch, dont’ touch.
When I left them, i can still see the smile that radiated, very sincere
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